Frugal Cabinet Reno

Home improvements are so enjoyable but sure a lot of work and can be expensive. Being the frugal mama that I am, I try to do as much as I can with what I've got or can get my hands on for super cheap. Some white paint and some old barn boards can sure go a long way in giving you that updated farmhouse feel without costing you much, if anything.
Now with that I'd like to share with you a little project i did in my kitchen this winter. I live in a very old farmhouse, where everything is outdated and really needed changing. Some white paint and some boards from my barn really improved my corner cabinet, and I am absolutely in love! I hope you all enjoy seeing this simple transformation.
Remember to use what you have, look for deals, be frugal, and get creative.
Have a great weekend everyone!

Jodie is raising her daughter with farm life in their surroundings. Her biggest goal is to make sure her daughter knows where her food comes from, and provide the best nutrition she possibly can. Milk cows to provide all the dairy products for her family, and meat animals to fill their freezer. Each day is filled with trying to live the frugal old fashioned lifestyle that she admires.